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Details zu Bild Nr. 0710082362:

Fotograph: Ranka Thill

Rechteinhaber: ATP

Titel: New York Central Park - The Gates - Christo & Jeanne-Claude

Bild No. 0710082362

Ort: () / NY / NEW YORK

Christo - The Gates, Central Park, New York 1979-2005 - Christo & Jeanne-Claude - 2005 - New York Central Park - The Gates - Christo & Jeanne Claude - 12.02.2005 - © ATP Ranka THILL artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude realized their temporary work of art: The Gates, Central Park, New York, 1979-2005, The installation, at the site in Central Park, was completed with the blooming of the 7,500 fabric panels on February 12, 2005. The 7,500 gates, 16 feet (4,87 meters) tall varying in width from 5 feet 6 inches to 18 feet (1,68 to 5,48 meters) according to the 25 different widths of walkways, on 23 miles (37 kilometers) of walkways in Central Park. Free hanging saffron colored fabric panels, suspended from the horizontal top part of the gates, come down to approximately 7 feet (2,13 meters) above the ground. The gates are spaced at 12 foot (3,65 meter) intervals, except where low branches extend above the walkways.

© ATP Bildagentur Muenchen Roemerstreet 6, D-80801 Muenchen, Germany phone: ++49-89-9827001, fax : ++49-89-9827004 Bank: SEB Bank AG, Account 1762400000 - Bank code BLZ 70010111.


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