DJV Bildportal

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Details zu Bild Nr. 0710266087:

Fotograph: Celso Bayo

Rechteinhaber: ATP

Titel: American Football, College Football 2015, Stanford x Washing

Bild No. 0710266087

Ort: USA (USA) / California / Palo Alto

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES - 10/24/2015: STANFORD 31X14 WASHINGTON. The team at the University of California won the University of Washington by 31-14. ----, American Football - College Football - Honorarpflichtiges Foto; fee liable image, copyright ATP Celso BAYO, Fotoarena

ATP Bildagentur Muenchen Roemerstreet 6, D-80801 Muenchen, Germany phone: ++49-89-9827001, e-mail: // Santander BANK account DE485003 3300 17624000 00 BIC: SCFBDE33XXX


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