DJV Bildportal

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Details zu Bild Nr. 0710278295:

Fotograph: FRANK

Rechteinhaber: ATP

Titel: New-York: MET Museum Costume Institute Gala

Bild No. 0710278295

Ort: USA (USA) / New York / NEW YORK

Zoe Saldana attends the 'Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology' Costume Institute Benefit Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, USA-02/05/16 restrictions apply, image not to be sold to France, FRANCE NO - USA NO - not to be used on social media, No web site use if not agreed beforehand with a reasonable fee. fee liable image, copyright ? ATP - FRANK

ATP Bildagentur Muenchen Roemerstreet 6, D-80801 Muenchen, Germany phone: ++49-89-9827001, e-mail: // Santander BANK account DE485003 3300 17624000 00 BIC: SCFBDE33XXX


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